Tips for success
These are a few tips for using Becoming Alpha with greater success. Use these tips to make a greater impact in your subconscious mind. If you figure something out that helped you grow and succeed with this program, please let me know. Share your wins!
If you have never done guided meditation, creative visualization or hypnosis, getting used to dropping into your inner reality can be more complicated than it needs to be. The key is to allow whatever shows up to show up, whether it’s emotions, images, insights or thoughts. Just allow it to be and don’t try to control or consciously produce the “perfect or right” experience. If the solution was thinking the right thoughts you would have already done it right? If you want to practice going deeper into your inner reality (because that’s where the action happens) you can use the free Inner reality intro session included in this program.
Every session comes with a worksheet. The questions are supposed to help dig deeper into your experiences from the session. If you haven’t done any journaling before, use them. I had no idea how powerful it was before I started to write down whatever came to mind. I also recommend that you, before a session, start with a blank page and write down everything you can think of that’s connected to the subject of the session. Never mind quality or spelling, the important thing is that you are able to get everything out of your head and onto the paper. It also helps your subconscious mind to focus on the task and open up to new perspectives.
Changing not only habits but the way you see yourself can be hard work. You will probably challenge old beliefs, mindsets and patterns that are hardwired in your brain. A lot of energy, focus and thoughts will be directed to this work. That’s why it’s so important to practice self care. Doing inner work is one kind of self care but I’d like you to focus on the details that make your days brighter and your body to feel loved. A few of the things I would do if I devoted a day to self care would be working out, having sauna, going to the hairdresser, eating a delicious meal and taking a walk in nature. You know, regular stuff that makes me feel like a king. (One thing I’d not do though is social media.) So treat yourself, take time off regular habits, allow yourself to not be productive, it’s OK to feel “unnecessary” for a day, I promise you.
Doing inner work, personal and spiritual development is a step away from what has been towards the future. You will challenge old beliefs and notice how old habits and interests just diminish. Changing yourself while it seems like the rest of the world is the same could cause a feeling of loneliness or that no one understands you. Finding support during this time is a good way to ground yourself and enable you to keep focusing on your growth. Reach out to friends, tell them about your progress and new perspectives. Just having someone to check in with you once in a while is beneficial. If you feel that you are running into unforeseen obstacles during this work you can book a live session with me, coaching or therapy, to help you move on and find new ways to grow your Alpha energy. The live sessions are adapted to your experiences and challenges and will help you to dig deeper into an issue or question. Get in touch!
If you could change just by thinking “the right way” or just “making up your mind” you would’ve done this a long time ago, right? Changing the way you act, react and identify yourself is not a logical task. It’s within the subconscious mind the changes need to be made. So let the subconscious mind do the work. Don’t let your logical, critical thinking get in the way. It will only slow things down even though I know you are only trying to do the right thing. Even if you don’t always understand how things are connected or how the images or experiences are beneficial to you, step aside, relax and trust that the subconscious mind is capable to do the work. I know that many of my clients decided to believe in whatever showed up and that made it easier to accept and commit to the process. Give it the benefit of the doubt and remember that this is for you. No one can correct you or disqualify your experiences.
Last but certainly not least: Don’t take it so seriously. Growing is supposed to be exciting, eye opening, fun and rewarding. Much like life. Far too many men put extraordinary amounts of pressure on themselves to succeed, perform, deliver or look good for others. Sometimes you gotta pause and take a look at what you’re actually searching for. The goal or what’s behind the goal? Most of us want to accomplish things because we believe it will make us happy in some shape or form. Happiness is an emotion or a mix of emotions that is already available to you. You don’t have to learn how to feel happy. You’ve always known that. Enjoy this program and your growth instead of struggling to get it done.