The Purpose (17mins) “He who has a Why to live for can bear almost any How”. (Friedrich Nietzsche) When you know your purpose life opens up, You direct your energy towards something bigger than yourself. This session is not giving you a purpose but is meant to open new subconscious perspectives and give you insights to help you find your purpose. How can knowing your purpose help you? You know what to do when you wake up in the morning. Your action has intentionality. There is a reason behind what you do and that makes everything easier to carry. Would I have worked for over 6 months developing this program if I didn’t have a Why? behind it? No. My purpose is to help others in their personal and spiritual development and Becoming Alpha is totally aligned with my purpose.

Music and frequencies: 963hz: Activating the crown chakra “The bridge to cosmos”. Raising your spiritual energy and awakes your intuition both which are connected to finding your purpose.

Download The Purpose worksheet.