Why men need TranceMorf and hypnosis
It is definitely more common for women to see a therapist compared to men. The reason might be that it’s been stigmatized to seek help for inner issues. Like there’s something wrong with you. Many men has, since childhood, been trained to not show feelings, be strong and self-medicate instead of talking about it. And maybe that’s part of the problem. Talking about it. As men we aren’t used to talk about our feelings and I believe that many men feel that talking isn’t enough. Nothing happens just talking about it! Familiar? You want things to happen, see the change and move on.
TranceMorf and hypnotherapy focuses on the issue and makes changes from within it. Instead of intelectualizing and talking about about an issue, a behaviour our thoughts from an outside perspective, the objective is to make changes in your patterns so you can focus your time and energy on your purpose and goals.
The majority of my clients are men. It hasn’t always been like this. When I worked with traditional hypnotherapy, 99 of 100 of my clients were female but that changed when I developed TranceMorf to help clients clear the past, own the now and build the future in a more practical, simple way. Does that mean that TranceMorf doesn’t fit women? Absolutely not. Women get as good results using TranceMorf as men but I believe that many men appreciate this method to give you more control of the subconscoius mind and become a better leader for your self.
Do you want to know more about me and how I work read more About Dan Ahtola.
In what areas can TranceMorf help men?
Self leadership
Whether you are in a position to lead others or you are self employed, good leadership starts from within. Leaders hire me to strengthen their purpose, their self worth, for more self discipline, being able to step forward, get past obstacles such as fear of public speaking or fear of failure. A good leader isn’t always the authoritarian one, giving orders expecting them to be followed. It isn’t necessarily the one with superior knowledge or the one sacrifising himself for the team. A good leader knows the art of leading yourself. A good leader is full of self confidence. Leadership isn’t about rethoric but feeling comfortable with your self and believing in who you are and what you do.
Many leaders put too much pressure on themselves. Leaders experience a lot more stress then others and can sometimes feel that the responsibility is a heavy burden. Motivating, inspiring others is a natural trait in a leader but who does that for you when you want to focus on leading yourself? I’m convinced that you already have the ability to step forward as a driven, positive leader for others. What we want to do is to release the brakes and focus more on creation, purpose, success and personal development. It makes it easier for you to make tough decisions, focus on solutions, your vision, possibilities and potential.
Do you want to work with me to strengthen your self leadership? Click here for the next step.
Admitting you have an issue in your sex life can seem shameful at first but it is the first step to take back control over your sexual energy, one of the most powerful creative forces available. You can’t just ignore it and hope the issue solves itself. Sex and sexuality is one of the most important things in most peoples lives and if you experience blocks in your sex life it affects other areas. Your career, self esteem, stress levels, confidence etc. The issues with your sexuality might be impotens, decreased libido/sex drive, premature ejaculation (PE), erectile dysfunction (ED), performance anxiety, low confidence in bed, infidelity. In most cases the problem is not in your body or genitals but in your head. Perhaps the thought of sex have been associated with stress and performance instead of lust and pleasure. You need to get out of your head and back into your body, Sex and sexuality is about the body, feelings, intuiton, presence, aligned with what you want to feel and experience.
To be able to dive deep into your sexual issues as a man can be challenging and it’s important that you feel safe and comfortable with me or the therapist/coach you are working with. Of course I provide professional secrecy and I’m dedicated to help you reach your desired result. In the therapy we focus on more than just clearing blocks. I also coach you to have a healthier sexuality, teach different techniques to perform better and longer, give different perspectives to help you in your relationship to your partner and yourself. To be able to open up to someone without fear of feeling shamed or judged makes it easier for you to accept yourself and who you are. When you feel safe in your sexuality and can focus on your pleasure it could lead to better self esteem, confidence, and less stress in bed.
Do you want to work with me to feel more comfortable in your sexuality? Click here for the next step.
Masculine energy
What is masculine energy? I don’t think it’s necessarily only connected to gender but more with traits and energy. I also believe that most men feel better with themselves when they can find the balance and comfort in their own masculine energy. That is one of the most important things about masculine energy, to be comfortable with yourself. Trusting yourself, standing your ground, determination, confidence and empowerment are other traits that belong to the masculine energy. Working with men I’ve noticed the importance of being able to open your heart. To feel, understand and control your feelings. To act from the heart with logic and common sense instead of reacting with feelings based in the past.
What is the pros for you to step into and live more in your masculine energy? What I’ve seen in myself and my clients is a stability and balance in yourself. Calm and confidence. Being able to live your purpose instead of following the demands of others. We are influenced by culture, people, society and media but I belive that you feel a lot better guided by your inner voice and can allow yourself to step into your true masculine energy. You can see benefits in your career and strive for success, in your relationships, whether it’s romantic, with friends or professional. More respect and self-confidence so you can take steps forward in your life, previously blocked by old fears and doubts. We will look at the areas of your life where you haven’t yet taken responsibility as a grown man but still remain in the thought-and behavioural patterns of a boy.
Is this a way for you to learn how to act like a macho man or a tough guy? No. We are focusing in your genuine masculine energy and how you balance it with your feminine energy. Humans can not only be in one energy, masculine or feminine. We need both but I am convinced that you feel better and can thrive when you’re primarily in our masculine energy,
Do you want to work with me to find your masculine energy? Click here for the next step.
My male clients find work and career to be a very important thing in life. Not for collecting as much material things as possible but because they love creating, developing and see something grow. It’s this drive that has built many companies and careers. To transform a thought into action and reality. It is more than bringing home the bacon, providing for your family. It’s about self-realization and getting things done. The difference between being unhappy or happy with what you spend most of your time on, often comes down to purpose. To feel that you have a mission in life. It doesn’t matter if you build houses, if you’re an entrepreneur, take care of children, if you are a salesman pushing insurances or selling clothes in a store, if you operate heavy machinery or help others on their personal development journey. If you are working for someone or you are self-employed. If you have come a long way or just started your career. If you know your purpose and your goals you will naturally be better at what you do.
The simplest solution should be to go to work and just enjoy it right? Of course, but we make it harder for ourselves with limiting beliefs stopping us from reaching higher, doing a better job for ourselves and others. Low self-confidence, procrastination, lack of discipline or focus, lack of purpose, goals or motivation. The limiting beliefs are inside of you. The positive thing about that is that you can take responsibility and change what’s inside you. By identifying the boundaries and blocks in your career we can change the subconscious patterns, your perspective on your career and start building your future by focusing more on what makes you a star in your field.
Working on your personal development, motivation and focus is an investment in yourself that can give you a huge ROI. Easier to make decisions, no more performance anxiety, more creative thinking, focus on solutions and finally stop procrastination.
Do you want to work with me to grow in your career? Click here for the next step.
Break negative patterns
It can be hard to break negative, subconscious patterns just by positive thinking or understanding the patterns. It’s a part of the process but we are speaking the wrong language, not using the right mind. The issue isn’t logical and conscious. Subconscious patterns such as negative stress, low self-discipline, procrastination, addictions, sleep issues, anger or fear gets in your way when you want to be the best man you can be. It’s not impossible to live a good life but the feeling of being blocked or not really reaching your potential can be frustrating and create unnecessary stress. It takes focus from your present life, right now. Subconscious behaviours as the ones mentioned above are often automatic, programmed. To change them you need to communicate with the subconscios mind in its own language and make the changes in the subconscious, not in our opinions or knowledge of the issues.
TranceMorf and hypnosis gives you access to this communication in a faster, more effective way than “regular talk-therapy”. If you want stress relief and more focus on what makes you grow, the solution is not far away, it’s inside of you. This is not necessarily a quick fix but it is a quicker fix.
What is the difference between TranceMorf and hypnosis?
Do you want to work with me to break negative patterns? Click here for the next step.