Becoming Alpha is a program designed for the man who wants to become alpha in his own life. This is not about comparing yourself to others, defining who is “beta” or cultivating a macho attitude. This is about leadership. Being a positive , confident leader for yourself, in your life.
Listen to every session as many times as you want and need. Don’t listen while driving or doing anything that aquires your full attention. The attached worksheet for every session helps you to dig deeper, clarify and helps change. If you have any questions please contact me:
The audios and PDF:s in the program Becoming Alpha on this page are free of charge for members of The Great Man Within Mastermind groups. Not a member? Contact me to purchase the program: OR: Join one of the masterminds at
Unblocking your Alpha Energy I believe you have an innate ability to take charge of your life and lead yourself to a more authentic life as the man you want to be. The question is What is stopping you? What is in your way? This session is focused on getting to know your true Alpha Energy and unblock it from any false programming, negative thoughts or destructive beliefs.
Music and frequencies used in the session: 528hz: Known as the miracle tone or love frequency. Helps you to relax the mind and repairs DNA. Studies are indicating that 528hz can raise testosteron levels. 396hz: Helps remove subconscious fears, worries, anxiety. It balances the root chakra which keeps you grounded with earth and is responsible for safety and security. Theta + 432hz: When you are hypnotized your brain waves are moving in the Theta pattern wchich is 4-8hz. Your connection to your subconscious mind is clearer, your mental relaxation is deeper and your are open to new perspectives. Gamma + 417hz: Gamma is the state of intense focus, learning and peak concentration. A very focused state of mind.
Download Worksheet Unblocking your Alpha Energy
The Initiation In King, Warrior, Magician, Lover, Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette discuss the problem that boys are not getting initiated into the world of men by men. This session creates a positive, loving initiation for the boy within you to be able to take the step into the adult world as a strong, confident man.
Music and frequencies: 432hz: Lowers heart rate and encourages synchronicity between the left and right brain hemisphere. Can help gain greater insights to mental and emotional clarity. Also known to be the frequency in harmony with planet Earth.
Download Worksheet The Initiation
The Purpose “He who has a Why to live for can bear almost any How”. When you know your purpose life opens up, You diect your energy towards something bigger than yourself. This session is not giving you a purpose but is meant to open new subconscious perspectives and give you insights to help you find your purpose.
Music and frequencies: 963hz: Activating the crown chakra “The bridge to cosmos”. Raising your spiritual energy and awakes your intuition both which are connected to finding your purpose.
Download Worksheet The Purpose
Take back energy from the past Do you feel that you are in the present moment? Most people are subconsciously running inner programs created in past events which we are unaware of. To much mental capacity and energy are going to past events, memories or emotions. This session helps you to take back your energy and direct your focus to the present moment and to the future.
Music and frequencies: 396hz: Removes fears, worries and anxiety to help you feel more uplifted. A great frequency for breathing life into your goals and dreams. 417hz: Facilitates change, releases negativity and past trauma. Gives you relief from negative energy stuck in your body. “Untelling” old stories. Connected to solar plexus. It’s not unusual to feel a tingling or a relief in the solar plexus while listening to 417hz. 852hz: Clears you inner vision and opens your third eye. Connected to inner strength, self-realisation. Enhances your vision of yourself.
Download Worksheet Take back energy from the past
Alpha Energy Affirmations, Motivating Affirmations Use this audio after you’ve finished the four sessions above. It will reinforce and affirm the new thoughts and beliefs that has been created in your subconscious mind. Listen to them daily for at least two weeks. Can be used while you’re occupied with other things such as exercising, cooking, walking or when you are going to sleep.
Music and frequencies: 432hz This frequency is said to heighten perception, increase mental clarity, releases emotional blockages and is claimed to be the most beneficial to humans. 852hz Speaks to your inner wisdom and raises your energy levels. Awakening, vitalizing and clarifying.