Let’s not get into what society thinks about what an Alpha Male is. Let’s focus on what you consider to be an Alpha Male and how You are Alpha?

What is Alpha? Basically a leader, or the leader. Becoming Alpha is primarily not about leading others but leading yourself. A successful leader must master the art of leading himself before he takes on the responsibility of leading others.

But from childhood we learn to adapt, be a team player. To go your own way, think independently and question authorities has not been encouraged. A man who thinks for himself and goes his own way is not an obedient employee or follower.

Freedom of thoughts and actions is a fundamental part of leading yourself. Not to mention trust in yourself, respect for yourself and not least confidence in yourself. The world needs strong, independent and sound men to lead themselves and others into a brighter future. Becoming Alpha is my contribution to this. 

A misunderstanding is that the Alpha goes his own way to benefit himself. That he is controlled by his big ego in a “Fuck the world and save yourself”-kinda way. A good Alpha male, a good leader makes sure that he and the people around him thrive. He is loyal to his family and friends, is caring and empathic and can hold space for others without being swept away by their emotions. A man with an open heart who is not afraid to feel what’s in it. A leader that makes sure that his followers grow and becomes the best version of themselves. 

Thank you for this amazing program . This program was phenomenal in connecting me with the greater man inside me. After every session I felt bolder, more confident, more energized and, most importantly, more connected to my genuine self. This program felt very personal in that it helped connect me to my most powerful energy and allowed me to face and integrate my own fears.

I have previously done numerous guided meditations before, but this program was truly on a whole other level —this program was nothing short of transformational. Thank you again for this phenomenal program. If anyone is thinking about trying this program my advice is JUST DO IT – you will uncover the powerful, confident, vital, “alpha” within you that has been dying to come out.
— Eddie
becoming alpha online program

I am convinced that all men have an innate, masculine Alpha Energy. It’s not something you need to learn or read about before it’s expressed. First, what we need to do is to eliminate the obstacles for your natural masculine energy and use it to move forward in your personal development. It can be old beliefs, blocked emotional energy or habits that are holding you back.

Alpha Males are independent, strong and go their own way. Won’t that create a lot of competition between the Alphas? That’s an old misunderstanding. A man in his authentic, masculine energy knows the importance of surrounding himself with his brothers. Men who create safety, support you and help you to grow. Men who will support you when you are exploring your emotions and help you take control over them. Together we stand strong. The lone wolf will starve. 

It’s brilliant and so professional, your voice is soothing and I have experienced extreme relaxation and expansiveness in my vision.
I actually had tears in my eyes as a I looked my adult man in the eyes in the initiation session yesterday.
Great work my friend, it really is something special you have produced.
Thank you
— Ben Getley

The 4 parts. Unblocking your Alpha Energy: I believe you have an innate ability to take charge of your life and lead yourself to a more authentic life as the man you want to be. The question is What is stopping you? What is in your way? This session is focused on getting to know your true Alpha Energy and unblock it from any false programming, negative thoughts or destructive beliefs.

The Initiation: In King, Warrior, Magician, Lover, Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette discuss the problem that boys are not getting initiated into the world of men by men. This session creates a positive, loving initiation for the boy within you to be able to take the step into the adult world as a strong, confident man.

The Purpose: “He who has a Why to live for can bear almost any How”. When you know your purpose life opens up, You direct your energy towards something bigger than yourself. This session is not giving you a purpose but is meant to open new subconscious perspectives and give you insights to help you find your purpose.

Take back energy from the past: Do you feel that you are in the present moment? Most people are subconsciously running inner programs created in past events which we are unaware of. To much mental capacity and energy are going to past events, memories or emotions. This session helps you to take back your energy and direct your focus to the present moment and to the future.

No matter what brought you here, Becoming Alpha will help you to turn your focus to your vision of the best man you can be. The Alpha within you.

Becoming Alpha is an online program that you can use at your own pace for as long as you like, whenever you want. It consists of 4 audio sessions designed to unblock and enhance your masculine Alpha Energy. You will also get 2 audios with reinforcing affirmations, 1 Intro session and 4 worksheets to help you dig deeper into every session and build your new identity as an Alpha Male. The purpose is to expose parts of you where you are not in your authentic masculine energy.


I’m Dan Ahtola, the creator of Becoming Alpha. This is the program that I would’ve needed as a young man, a father, husband and when I started my business. I really look forward to hearing about your success!

I’m a 40 year old Swedish therapist and coach. I am trained in hypnosis and hypnotherapy and developed TranceMorf after asking myself “Is there a simpler way to do this?” My greatest energy in this work comes from seeing and feeling the transformations in my clients as they overcome what they thought was impossible and start creating a new life based on authenticity, self-worth, love and positive energy.